Sunday, October 6, 2019

Short articles about sex, gender and society Essay - 2

Short articles about sex, gender and society - Essay Example Vampirism, as a category akin to femininity, continues to assert itself in what underpins relationships between the main characters, focusing on understanding and sympathy that is most often attributed to the female persona. This same feminine-like persona is also illustrated in a situation where Sonny and Eric have a physical altercation when Sonny describes Eric’s love interest as a woman with big tits. For showing this type of disrespect for women, Sonny receives a quick blow and a reprimand for his insensitivity and callous actions. Furthermore, when Sookie and Bill are having a sexual experience, Sookie compares the love-making activity to I am woman, hear me roar, illustrating that the vampires are sensitive to their needs of their sexual partners, another attribute mostly attributed to female personality. There is a type of communal obligation to ensure that any member of vampire cliques do not maintain emotional distress and that their needs are fulfilled. This, to me, should be viewed as being more attributable to feminine characteristics and this gender is exemplified in the closeness and intimacy that underpins all relationships, something much different than masculinity as it is perceived in the stereotypical sense. Riker’s relationship with the androgynous alien shows that the bonds of legitimate love transcend gender stereotypes. When Riker confides to his ex-lover, Deanna, that he is falling for the alien, he receives ample emotional support, though advised to proceed cautiously. Riker is willing to explore sexual relationships with this androgynous being because he feels a deep emotional love for the creature, which illustrates that love and sex, under traditional views of romance and relationships, go hand-in-hand and are absolute necessities to ensure intimacy and closeness. Sex as a component of romantic love assists in our understanding of

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