Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr. Essay :: biographies bio biography

The Key to Being King Martin Luther King Jr. has changed today's society by giving women and men of color the inspiration they needed to succeed in life and he set the stage for more opportunities in America. He may be an example of what your fate is when you try your hardest to achieve your dreams, but there is no doubt that his legacy to obtain equal rights is not still carrying on today. He has also shown that hard-work and diligence is the key to achieving your dreams and his way of thinking during the Civil Rights Movement gives you an idea about being passive aggressive without using violence . Before it all, racism, discrimination, and segregation were overlooked and were norms throughout society. Mr. King decided to be a voice for all people that believed everyone should have equal opportunity, and by doing this Martin Luther King was not considered a hero in that era. While most people thought of the American Dream, Mr. King had a dream of his own, in his famous speech he quotes, ?one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers? (King). Mr. King gave a strong speech to support his cultural values, and to be a voice for all the people who believed in the Civil Rights Movement. Mr. King?s cultural values were for social change and for the way of life to be better for everyone. He addressed the fact that using violence is not the right way to resolve anything, but that the principle of love will win battles. Although Mr. King?s personal life seemed to have many rumors attached, he still had strong moral values about equality, and what was right and wrong in the world we live in. He used peace, integrity, diligence, and expected the best for society to change. During his demonstrations Mr. King received many threats, beatings, and arrests, this clearly showed me that he was not considered a hero to most people during his time period (The Seattle Times). He and the other Civil Rights activist put in time and effort to get their points across to the public and to change the nation. In the beginning of his speech he says, ? I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation?

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